It’s time for the 2021 Holiday Photo Contest!

- You must enter 1 picture, per owner/family that is a current 2021 picture from any holiday.
- Email your picture to or send via private message to the Follow Me Dog Training LLC Facebook page (DO NOT post it yourself, sometimes people start to vote for those. Only the votes in the Holiday photo contest album count). Please be sure to include your Dog’s name and age.
- If you have a human in the photo, please add consent to post that human’s likeness on social media…this is mostly for any kids in the picture!
- Once I have posted your holiday photo into the 2021 holiday photo Facebook Album on the Follow Me Dog Training LLC page, it is up to you to make sure people see it and vote for it by liking or loving it.
- On 31 December, the photo with the most “Likes” or “loves” will receive a special prize from Follow Me Dog Training LLC.
- This contest is open to everyone, whether they have worked with Follow Me Dog Training LLC or not.
Anything goes…just be sure to email it to me and only vote for your picture in the actual holiday photo contest album.
If we get a bunch of under 6-month dogs that submit, we will have two categories.